Tuesday Oct. 9th
from 10:00 am Arrival and accreditation: MAKK – Museum für angewandte Kunst Koeln
01:00 pm Welcome / Official Opening
01:30 pm Two session rounds (5 & 6 pitches with a short break)
05:00 pm One-to-one meetings
06:00 pm Closing day #1
07:00 pm Departure to MMC-Studio (bus shuttle)
07:30 pm Location tour MMC-Studio
08:00 pm Dinner on invitation of the MMC-Studio
10:00 pm Departure bus shuttle to Get-Together at „Eitel Sonnenschein“


Wednesday Oct. 10th
10:30 am Case Studies: „Best Practice – Distribution & Marketing Strategies for European Arthouse Cinema“ in collaboration with Creative Europe Desks Germany
Guests: Katharina Günther, Weltkino and Aistė Račaitytė, Kino Pavasaris Distribution & Vilnius Film Festival („Loving Vincent“) as well as Michael Weber, The Match Factory, and Michel Zana, Sophie Dulac Distribution („Foxtrot“)
12:00 pm Two session rounds (5 & 6 pitches with a short break)
03:00 pm Buffet & drinks
04:00 pm One-to-one meetings
05:15 pm EAVE Exchange: Effective Exploitation Strategies for European Arthouse Cinema Productions
Guests: Tanja Meissner, Memento Films International, Bero Beyer, International Film Festival Rotterdam, Katarzyna Siniarska, New Europe Film Sales and Jonas Weydemann, Weydemann Bros.
06:30 pm Closing day #2
08:00 pm Award Ceremony at the Kunsthaus Rhenania
09:00 pm followed by the Producer‘s Party NRW on invitation of the Film Festival Cologne



Thursday Oct. 11th
11:00 am Round Table on the opportunities of the new MEDIA Distribution Schemes in cooperation with Creative Europe Desk NRW (MEDIA guest speakers requested)
– by invitation only –
12:30 pm Closing of day #3 / light lunch
01:30 pm End of EWIP 2018